Business Sheffield Webinars

Here you will find our webinars which are free to watch whenever suits you best.

Welcoming customers with disabilities

with Alan Ball (Business Sheffield) and James Martin (Disability Sheffield)

10 Steps to retail success- steps 1 to 3.

with ‘The Retail Expert’ Clare Bailey.

10 Steps to retail success- steps 4 & 5.

with ‘The Retail Expert’ Clare Bailey.

10 Steps to retail success- step 6.

with ‘The Retail Expert’ Clare Bailey.

10 Steps to retail success- step 7.

with ‘The Retail Expert’ Clare Bailey.

10 Steps to retail success- steps 8 to 10.

with ‘The Retail Expert’ Clare Bailey.

Selling Online 1- Exploring all the options.

with Kim Hulse.

Selling Online 2- Best practice & building good user experience.

with Kim Hulse.

Social Media- Building a presence & driving engagement.

with Donna Callander.

Advertising on Facebook

Business Sheffield webinar on Advertising on Facebook, with Alan Ball.

Understanding Cash Flow

Managing and Understanding Cash Flow with Alan Ball.
