A waterside run to North America... in Sheffield

The Langsett Barn area is a well-kept secret in the north of Sheffield. Lying on the edge of Peak District moorland and Yorkshire Water's mile-long Langsett Reservoir, the barn itself was built in 1621 to store crops and winter cattle feed, and now acts as a community centre. And close to the barn, was North America farm. The last farmer moved out in 1907, and North America was used by tanks for target practice during the second world war. In winter, look out for a fir tree by the farm's ruins, that visitors decorate with Christmas trimmings each year.

The variety of terrain and the close proximity of open moorland in the Langsett Barn-North America area offers something for everyone – walkers, mountain bikers and runners alike. From managed trails to gritstone heathland, there are challenges for both beginners and the more experienced. Whether on tyres or in trainers, the stunning views along this trail will make it all well worth the effort.

Start from the car park at Langsett Barn, following the path out from the back towards the woods.

Take the left-most path alongside the water’s edge, following it until you reach the cobbled pathway turning left down cobbles and through the gate on the left, up onto moorland.

Take the first left fork, following this trail over the bridge and doubling back uphill and through the gate.

Continue on the path uphill and, before the next gate, turn left down a small path through woodland. Follow this path through the wood, across a small green space and out onto a track.

Turn left, continue to the road, and turn left again. Follow the road down and across the dam head, left through the gate, along the path, before turning right to return to the car park.

Start: Langsett Barn, Langsett, Stocksbridge, S36 4GY.
Distance: 5.6km.
Parking: Free car park at Langsett Barn.
Public transport: Take the train to Barnsley, followed by the number 23 bus.
Where to eat & drink: The lovely Bank View Cafe is across the road from the car park, and the Waggon and Horses sits just by the barn.
Useful links: Langsett Barn community room.

More information about the route from Bradfield Walkers Group.
