Impact Invest Institute

Impact Investing is a hot topic at the moment thanks to people like Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough waking people up to how we need to see the world differently. Essentially it's about finding ethical ways to invest money that will help to produce social good, whilst still seeking a return on investment.

The UK has a proud history of pioneering impact investing, with market leadership and government support, and first-rate institutions working in international development, domestic impact investment and traditional finance.

The Impact Invest Institute is based in Sheffield and brings together two existing bodies that aim to maximise the scale and effectiveness of the UK impact investing market: the UK National Advisory Board on Impact Investing (UK NAB), and the Implementation Taskforce for Growing a Culture of Social Impact Investing in the UK (Implementation Taskforce). It will be led by their chairs, Sir Harvey McGrath and Elizabeth Corley. 

As a relatively new addition to the city we are excited to see the wide reaching impacts and developments the organisation has here, and further afield.
