Local areas create a bank holiday buzz with ERF funding

Over the Jubilee bank holiday, local communities across Sheffield have brought people together on their local high streets using teamwork, creativity and expert knowledge of what their communities want – and a little help from the Economic Recovery Fund.

Sheffield City Council set up the ERF to help our high streets rebuild and grow following COVID-19, and to encourage people to shop and have fun locally. It's great to see how these communities are using the funding to act on their ideas for bringing people to their high streets.

Events shown in video:

  • Photo bus and tombola from Chapeltown Jubilee Event
  • Stalls and crowds at Woodhouse Jubilee Market
  • Planting of new tree in Woodhouse Community Garden
  • Arts & crafts and Community Choir at Walkley Jubilee Event
  • Firth Park decorated for the Jubilee

You can find more detail about the Economic Recovery Fund on the Sheffield City Council website.

With thanks to: Chapeltown Business Partnership, Walkley Business Action Group, Firth Park Community Forum, Revive Woodhouse

Bank Holiday Buzz

Local communities in Sheffield have brought people to their local high streets using teamwork and creativity and a little help from the Economic Recovery Fund.
