Sheffield tech disruptor sees demand for services rocket

05 Oct 2020

Sheffield tech disruptor, Nimbitech, is witnessing demand for its services rocket - despite the pandemic - as it targets ambitious and sustainable growth. The digital transformation specialist was launched at Sheffield Technology Park ten months ago to oversee IT transformations of businesses, from creating apps and streamlining processes to data analysis.

Nimbitech, whose clients include companies operating in construction, property and hospitality, has already secured a substantial pipeline of work. The company, founded by tech expert Nick Stewart, has grown its workforce from two to seven since the start of the year, including two new hirings during lockdown.

Nick said: “Our first year in business was hard graft, long hours and pure perseverance but we’ve gone from a standing start in December, with one client, to a brimming order book and more recruitment on the horizon.

The lockdown meant that suddenly everyone wanted tech - not next week, not tomorrow but right now.  We helped one client, a building safety inspection company – go from a traditional company with 70-80 staff all working in physical bricks and mortar offices, to a 100% virtual business a week before lockdown.

We migrated all their servers so nobody had to physically be in the office to access any work files. By the time lockdown came their entire workforce was working from home productively with everything they needed to do their job at their fingertips. It is that level of service, and results that a client can see day to day, that wins us more and more work.”

Nick will now be taking a step back from the day-to-day delivery of client work to take a more strategic role in the business as they plan for the next 12 months. He and his directors James Bolton and Sam Wainwright are now looking at breaking into new sectors to help more businesses create a simpler and more sustainable IT infrastructure using Microsoft.

Nick says Nimbitech’s unique approach to doing business is proving to be one of their USPs: “We are a disruptor in our industry. We don’t send clients long contracts with a £100,000 price tag at the end, like our competitors do. We never ask for any money upfront or issue contracts and we charge transparently – at an hourly rate of £95.

We’re also incredibly nimble and agile and don’t fix the scope of the project so we can adapt to our customers’ needs as they evolve.

We make it really easy for people to hire Nimbitech and leave us if they’re not happy, although that’s never happened to us yet. Clients find our approach refreshing, love our honesty and transparency and courage to have the difficult conversations, if needed, when they’re in the best interests of our clients. It’s a formula that wins us work.”

Business Sheffield’s specialist advisors have worked closely with Nimbitech in recent months, offering in-depth advice and support on a range of issues from marketing to strategic business planning, so of course we’re delighted to see them go from strength to strength, despite a very challenging trading environment.

Business Sheffield offer FREE support to Sheffield businesses of all sizes. If you need any help to start/grow your business or any advice amidst the current economic climate, contact our team on 0114 224 5000 or email
