The 7 Steps to Marketing Success - Implementing your Plan

Written by Jane Gregory

Marketing can feel overwhelming when you’re starting out in business, or are a small business owner, because it’s just one of so many hats you have to wear.

Even when you find the time to think about your marketing it can be really tough to know where to start. Should you get active on social media? Spend time working on your brand? Or how about a website or paid advertising? SEO or influencers? Or should you look at ebay, Amazon or ETSY? Write a blog or post on Linkedin? Arrrgh!

With so much to think about it’s no wonder that many businesses struggle to market effectively and consistently, and that’s why we’ve put together this mini series to hopefully give you a clear track to run on. Over the next few weeks we’ll be looking at the following 7 Steps to Marketing Success:

1). Know your target market

2). Create a strong brand that will appeal to them

3). Develop powerful key messages, copy and images

4). Develop a strategic marketing plan

5). Implement your plan

6). Maximise your existing customers

7). Staying competitive

Step 5: Implementing your Plan

Marketing is a bit like filling a bucket with a small leak, from a slowly running tap. Why do I say this? Well no matter how brilliant your product or service is, you will lose some customers and/or not have returning customers (this could just be down to the nature of your business) So your bucket has a leak.

 Marketing is the constantly slow running tap that gets, and then keeps your bucket full. It isn’t something you do once, or for a bit, or in a blind panic when orders suddenly dry up, or you lose your biggest customer (this is honestly how some businesses view marketing) it’s a strategically thought-out, calmly executed part of your day-to-day/weekly activities that keeps your bucket nicely full, and which means you get to sleep nights!

To implement your plan you may need to outsource some of the activities because you can’t be great at everything, and anyway you’ve got a business to run. Therefore be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses, and allocate activities accordingly. Join networks (we can probably help you there too) and find people you might be able to swap talents and know-how with – you might be great at writing copy or photography, or know your way round social media, and could help someone else in return for their help with your website or admin for example.

However you do it, the important thing about your plan is that you actually action it. Have it somewhere prominent so you can’t ignore it, but my advice is always make it really doable. Don’t try to do the impossible. A small amount of well planned, well executed marketing happening regularly, is better than a huge splurge at a rate you can’t possibly sustain, followed by nothing, as you slump in an exhausted heap, vowing never to ‘do marketing’ again!

Ready to Take Control of Your Marketing?

Don’t let marketing overwhelm hold you back! signup to any of our free marketing and social media workshop on our website. You can also access our FREE 1-2-1 help and advice any time by giving our Gateway team a call on 0114 224 5000.
