Tickets For Good and The Ticket Bank

Tickets for Good uses ticket sales to create donation programmes within the events industry for charities and social projects.

Their mission is to support the improvement of health and well-being and to increase access to events. They bring philanthropy to the forefront of the ticketing experience, allowing every attendee to engage in charitable giving whilst enjoying great events.

The Ticket Bank is for charities and community organisations that want to improve access to the arts for their service users; or as a reward for their service users/beneficiaries. They work with anyone that supports individuals facing barriers to attending events and who are less likely to have engaged in arts/cultural activities. The Ticket Bank offers a service that supports more ticket donations to more community projects and increases participation in arts events.

Since the pandemic the organisation has worked closely with venues, promoters and the NHS to reward key workers for their contribution via the Ticket Fund, and ensure they have access to culture and the arts as part of their wellbeing. This type of forward thinking has seen them taken on by national accelerator programmes in the nations capital, and significantly grow the team.

Sheffield makes Tickets for Good

Tickets for Good uses ticket sales to create donation programmes within the events industry for charities and social projects. Their pioneering Ticket Bank initiative is for charities and community organisations that want to improve access to the arts for their service users, working with anyone that supports individuals facing barriers to attending events and who are less likely to have engaged in arts/cultural activities.

Steve Rimmer

Steve Rimmer has an extensive history in Sheffield, including being the man behind the CADS (Creative Arts Development Space) project which has made a difference to people, businesses and communities alike in the city by bringing empty buildings back into use through cultural and public realm initiatives.

Meet Steve