Universal Basic Income (UBI)

It might be controversial, but Sheffield - once known as the capital of the People’s Republic of South Yorkshire - has never been afraid to court controversy for the right reasons (particularly around social policy).

A Universal Basic Income, or UBI Lab is a citizen-led group exploring and advocating for Universal Basic Income. Groups are themed geographically or by lived experience. There are currently 40 UBI Labs across the world with 30 located in the UK. Labs meet each month to share learning and contribute to a shared set of resources. The Labs are assisted by the UBI Lab staff team who offer skills, resource and expertise where needed to facilitate the aims of each UBI Lab.

What many people don't know - even if they might have heard about UBI as a concept - is that it is borne out of Sheffield and facilitated by the social enterprise Opus.

The UBI Lab is, in itself, a testament to the way Sheffield operates, comprising a number of organisations and individuals for a common purpose, in a worldwide decentralised network of citizens, researchers, activists and campaigners exploring the potential of Universal Basic Income.

You can keep up to date with everything UBI on their Twitter account.

James Lock

James is the Managing Director of Opus, the organisation who started up and now facilitate the UBI Lab Network.

Meet James