Vivacity Choir set to perform first full concert after surviving pandemic

Vivacity Choir set to perform first full concert after surviving pandemic

A Hillsborough-based choir is preparing for its first full concert since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 - and everyone is invited!

Like many other choirs up and down the country, Vivacity managed to continue throughout Covid by swiftly adopting Zoom. Although this brought everyone together, and was a vital community and escape from extraordinarily anxious times, the technical limitations of Zoom meant that members of the choir were deprived from singing together in the same room.

Kate Van der Riet, Musical Director at Vivacity said:

“We didn’t actually sing together until a couple of socially distanced, outdoor rehearsals last summer - it was a very emotional experience. Since then, as restrictions have eased, we have been able to rehearse more regularly. It’s been such a privilege because, at times during the pandemic, live music returning seemed like it could never happen.”

Now, at Victoria Hall on Saturday 25 June, the choir will be able to perform the repertoire that was learnt during those dark months in a programme that reflects on the last couple of years…

Tickets are available for the concert via their website.

About Vivacity Choir

Vivacity Choir About Vivacity Choir Vivacity Choir is a lively community choir based in the Sheffield suburb of Hillsborough. Inspired by TV’s “Last Choir Standing”, a small group of friends formed Vivacity in 2008 to be a fun, friendly and accessible group that encouraged people, whether experienced or not, to share the joy and fulfilment of learning and singing great music. The choir has grown steadily in numbers and in experience since. It now has around 80 members who aim to have fun, sing well and contribute to the community.

The Choir’s values are:

  • Being welcoming, friendly and accessible
  • To valuing and respect each individual
  • Teamwork and mutual support
  • Variety in musical style
  • Continuous improvement

The choir are proud of their Sheffield roots and of their strong connections with live music promoters and supporters Music in the Round, Classical Sheffield, Sheffield City Council, the BBC and Voices Yorkshire.

The choir celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2018 with a number of special events that included competitions, a gala formal dinner and some very special concerts including, as part of Music in the Round’s spring festival, a concert in the world famous Crucible Studio.

Vivacity Membership Members range in experience from accomplished musicians to complete beginners. They do not audition for membership – all they ask is enthusiasm and a willingness to learn!
