Sheffield walks with Julia Bradbury

29 Oct 2021

TV presenter and Co-Founder of The Outdoor Guide, Julia Bradbury grew up in Sheffield and learnt to love walking right here in the city. Like many Sheffielders, she used to spend her weekends out in the Peak District with her Dad, just a stone’s throw away from the city limits, so she knows a lot about the beauty that exists right here in The Outdoor City.

With that in mind, Julia has helped curate a special collection of Sheffield walks which have been created to help highlight the best of The Outdoor City. All the routes are accessible by public transport and feature some delicious places to eat, comfortable places to stay and other nearby attractions.

Sheffield has the largest percentage of green space of any city in the UK and these five walks feature everything from the city’s regenerated industrial heartland, to pathways out of the hustle and bustle into the Peak District.

Several of the featured walks are also suitable for wheelchair users too, so no one has to miss out on Sheffield’s great outdoors. You can also watch all the walks on The Outdoor Guide’s Youtube channel.

You can see the walks summarised below and click through to the dedicated pages on The Outdoor Guide website to see the full route details and map.

If you venture out on any of the routes- don’t forget to tag The Outdoor Guide and The Outdoor City #SheffieldWalks in your posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so we can share your adventures. We’d love to see your adventures- happy walking!

Porter Brook Valley Walk
Starting in Ringinglow on the outskirts of Sheffield, this 5km walk along the Porter Brook epitomises why Sheffield is called ‘The Outdoor City’. It highlights one of the many seams of green which run straight into the heart of the city, whilst simultaneously acting as a pathway out into the countryside. 
More info, route and map here on


Redmires Walk
This circular walk through some stunning scenery is only 15 minutes out of Sheffield, in fact, from the high point of the walk, you can see the city nestled in the hills off to the west.You will see the Wyming Brook Nature Reserve, an ancient headstone which is said to turn 360 degrees once a year and the beautiful, moving war memorial near the Redmires Reservoirs, built-in memory of the men of Sheffield who died in the first world war. 
More info, route and map here on


Stile Free Woodland Walk Along Loxley Valley
This short linear walk is an idyllic woodland ramble along a stile free path in Loxley Valley. It is a haven for nature lovers, with bird life in abundance. It is perfect for a manual wheelchair user. 
More info, route and map here on the


A Stile Free Walk around Damflask Reservoir
A woodland inclusive route with great views across Damflask Reservoir towards the surrounding hills. The route follows the shore of the reservoir, through woods from Low Bradfield. There is a beautiful picnic area near to the river at Low Bradfield and refreshments can be purchased at the School Rooms Café, which is wheelchair accessible. More info, route and map here on the


A Stile Free, Circular Walk Along the River Don & Canal
The Five Weirs Canal Walk is a surfaced path and cycleway stretching for 7.5 km along the River Don, from the centre of Sheffield to the Meadowhall shopping centre, passing the five historic weirs from which it takes its name. It follows the riverbank almost all the way, with only occasional diversions, and connects with the Sheffield-Tinsley canal towpath for your return trip back to the city centre. More info, route and map here on

