Chris Wheater, Tech Scale-up Advisor

Are you an ambitious Sheffield-based tech sector businesses looking to become more successful? Are you looking for someone who really understands the sector and can help your business?

Meet Chris. He’s worked in tech for a long time. He started out in the 90s as a business consultant, he acquired a struggling IT company in need of turnaround. After transforming this to success over the following 10 years he then founded an e-commerce retailer in 2003. After exiting his businesses in 2021, Chris now focuses on advising start-ups and scaling businesses. That’s over 27 years’ experience as founder and owner of businesses in the IT, Tech and e-commerce sectors so he knows a thing or two about tech scale ups.

Chris is known for his no nonsense, practical advice helping businesses to prioritise, focus and achieve objectives. He uses a variety of skills to help entrepreneurs bring business ideas to market, develop strategies for growth, create equity value and ready businesses for investment or exit.

If you’re a start-up Chris is here to help review your business concept, if you’re growing he’s a critical friend to bounce ideas off and contribute to your growth strategy. Whatever stage you are at, he’s there to make connections and signpost to the right support- or to keep an eye out on possible grants you might be eligible for.

Chris has some key areas of expertise from his experience in business- everything e commerce and selling or marketing online, website, App, & software development, start-up concept validation, monetisation and pricing Strategies

Oh, and did we mention Chris has a degree in computer science, post-grad in Manufacturing Management, and an MBA. 

Chris works with all sizes of business, from promising start-ups to more established companies with 50 plus employees. And like both of our tech scale up advisors he’s not afraid to ‘get techy’.

Get in touch with Chris.

