Kim Streets, Chief Executive, Museums Sheffield

Sheffield makes me infinitely loyal.

I want the very best for the people that live here. I guess I'm biased because my children were born and grew up here. But there's something enduring about this city I call home. I did a big part of my growing up here and I want it to be the city that I'd like to live in as I grow old.

And I think that's always been because of the people. The spirit of resistance, the creativity, the generosity and the sense of collective endeavour make Sheffield my true north.

It helps that I have the best job – I work alongside a super-talented team to create great museum experiences that are free and inspiring for everyone and, in the city, I’m part of a network of people who give their time and energy to make it possible for people from all walks of life to experience great art, heritage and culture every day of the week.

Enough said.
