Louisa Harrison-Walker OBE - Chief Executive of Sheffield Chamber of Commerce

Louisa Harrison Walker

Sheffield makes me, me!

Being born and bred in Sheffield, it's hard not to be a passionate advocate for the region. I was raised in a bright orange mac, being walked out in the peaks, come rain or shine.

As a child, the sporting legacy of the city was front and centre and it helped develop my can do attitude.

As an adult I ran a consultancy business in Sheffield called Benchmark, helping local companies with recruitment, retention and business improvement.

I am currently Chief Executive of the Chamber of Commerce, and I sit on the Common Purpose Regional Advisory Board and the City Growth Board which is a collaboration between the private sector and Sheffield City Council - so I've got a lot of opportunities to give back to my hometown.

I just love the supportive attitude of the people here, nothing is too much trouble. Folk are engaged and collaborative and it makes a wonderful environment in which to do business.

I also benefit from living on the edge of stunning countryside, with just a seven-minute train ride into the city centre where I bask in the rich cultural offering of the theatres, bars and nightclubs - although less of the latter now that I'm not as young as I used to be!
