Sam Chapman, Co-founder of The Floow

Sheffield makes me happy.

I have a long interaction with the city of Sheffield. The city has helped me and later my company to grow into global leaders by providing an environment supporting both people and business. For myself, my closer interactions with the city started from academic work at Sheffield University where I sought to apply new technology to help enhance aspects of city operations. Now in Industry, my company is again like myself supported by the wider city environment helping each other to grow. To repay these gifts and friendship from the city I (like others) repay this support back to the city and its wider people in return. 

One key role I hold is chairing the city digital economy group 'Dot.SHF'. This body brings together people across sectors and organisations public and private to enhance the growth of the city region's high growth tech sector. Since tech sectors emerged Sheffield has played a role here but it has been less recognised beyond the city. 'Dot.SHF' seeks to change this enhancing the tech sector. Last year was the first Sheffield Digital Festival and inward investment in the region has rapidly grown, bringing new recognitions for the various global impacts created in the city.

When setting up my latest company all founders considered where best to establish the organisation. We considered California, London and Sheffield. Ultimately the supportive environment and people with great skills available won. Now we have Sheffield as our global headquarters, and it is also my home and where I raise my children. 

Sheffield is an overwhelmingly friendly city, a 'reyt good' place to grow, explore and ultimately live. A place with two leading universities, the best theatres, the peak district in its borders and amazing music. This is not a step on a ladder but a city that people settle in with a strong feeling of home. This makes Sheffield a special place for me.
