2 Beton House

Park Hill, Rhodes Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S2 5DT

The property is currently let as a whole on a single occupation Tenancy to BLOC Enterprise Limited t/a Bloc Hair Studio, on a lease expiring 05/04/2033 incorporating a Tenant only break option on 05/04/2028, paying an annual rent of £21,060 pa The property investment is available at a quoting purchase £200,000 reflecting a NIY of 10.29%.


Type Investment Tenure Freehold £200,000 Location Manor Castle Size 1675.00 Sq Ft ( 155.6 Sq M)


  • Single let retail investment
  • Annual income of £21
  • 060 per annum
  • Ideal for the Private Investor / SIPP
  • Europe's largest listed building