Junction 34 Industrial Estate

Unit 3B, Greasbro Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 1TN

The subject property is situated immediately off Junction 34 of the M1 Motorway, in Sheffield South Yorkshire. The unit fronts onto Greasbro Road, which is a short distance from the J34 South junction and therefore provides excellent access to the Motorway Network along with Sheffield and Rotherham. The unit is surrounded by a number of similar land users along Greasbro Road with further development taking place a short distance away at Bessemer Park. The subject site comprises a mid terraced industrial unit with associated yard. The property is of steel portal frame construction surmounted by a single pitched profile clad roof. The elevations are brick/block work and profile clad. Access to the unit is via four large roller doors and one smaller pedestrian door all accessed along the front elevation. The access leads into a single spanned clear unit with small toilet block on the left hand side.


Type Industrial / Warehouse Tenure Leasehold £36,000 Per Annum Location City Size 5529.00 Sq Ft ( 513.6 Sq M)


  • Immediate access to Junction 34 M1.
  • Mid terraced industrial unit with associated parking
  • Four large roller doors