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Friends of Whirlow Brook Park - Plant Swap/Sale

10 May 2025 10:00 - 12:00

Have you been to Whirlowbrook Park? It's on the south-west, Ecclesall side of the city, beside the Limb Brook Valley Round Walk, Whinfell Quarry Gardens and near Whirlow Hall Farm Trust.

20 mins from the city centre to nearby bus stop.

It is a beautifully designed landscape with a countryside feel and lots of space for children to run around.

The Friends of Whirlowbrook Park (FoWP) have been restoring the park and creating new features : Tree Trail, Family Trail and Community Orchard.

We are now fundraising for our Wild Play area.

Plant Swap/Sale Saturday 11th May,10-12pm.

Free entry

Please bring along your spare plants, seedlings, perennials, herbs and wild flowers, bird feeders.

Plus veg or fruit bushes, early harvests of rhubarb, other crops or cut flowers.

Go home with fresh new stock.

Tool-sharpening service on the day (secateurs, loppers, shears, edge trimmers etc), also in return for a donation to our funds.

Nothing to swap? No probs, come along to buy plants/make a donation.

Bents Green Nursery will be selling their beautiful plants.

We'll also have some grubby, hands on activity for kids.


Free entry - cash donations in exchange for plants, please.
