Meena Balasubramanian

Professor of Medical Genetics and Genomic Medicine, University of Sheffield; Clinical Director of Research, Sheffield Children’s NHS Trust; Executive Director, SCYPHeR Partnership; Honorary Consultant Clinical Geneticist

Meena was appointed as the new Clinical Director of Research in 2023, and she is already leading on increasing the research undertaken across Sheffield Children’s Hospital with the aim of putting Sheffield Children’s on the international map for paediatric research.

Although extremely busy, Meena, with the support of the Conference Ambassador Programme, successfully bid to host the 2025 annual conference for the Clinical Genetics Society.  The Ambassador Programme has since supported her with the venue selection for this conference and will continue to provide advice on other elements leading up to the event. Meena appreciates the importance of conferences in her work and is looking forward to hosting and collaborating with her 100 plus colleagues from across the UK.

Meena also sits on the Medical Advisory Board’ (MAB) for Brittle Bone Society and HNRNPU patient support group.  She is the secretary for Clinical Genetics Society and a Scientific Advisory Committee member for The Sheffield Children’s Hospital Charity.
