We are all Outdoor Cityzens

Sheffield is home to 61% greenspace within the city's borders, with more trees per person than any other city in Europe, and over 800 managed greenspaces across 4,000 hectares of land. If that wasn't enough, recent research has also shown that we have more peatland bog than any other city too (which tops the charts for carbon capture). It’s no wonder NatWest crowned us the UKs greenest city.

These facts are a great source of pride for our city, but they also come with a duty to look after what we have.

Two women are sat on the grass, on a bright, sunny day, at The Sheffield Botanical Gardens having a picnic and chatting.

A bit about biodiversity...

Biodiversity is the huge variety of all plant and animal life on earth or in a particular habitat and what's important to remember, is that everything is connected. Climate, nature, emissions, soil, water management – they’re all just pieces of the same puzzle.

It’s easy to think of conserving, protecting and managing the outdoors as beneficial to the people, flora and fauna who use it. But it’s also so much bigger than that, because healthy biodiversity benefits the whole planet.

Sadly, here as well as further afield, biodiversity is declining – which is why Sheffield has declared a nature emergency as well as a climate one. We need to stop doing the bad things that cause damage, and do more good things that help regenerate it.

How to help look after our outdoors

Sometimes it might feel easy to think you’re doing more than someone else, but just remember none of us are perfect and all we can do is try our best. Every single thing you do will take us all one step in the right direction, so focus on that and help encourage everyone to love The Outdoor City.

Bike Riders

- Please show consideration to other users sharing trails and bridle ways, such as walkers and horse riders. 'Be nice, say hi'

- To make sure you pass safely, drop your pace and call out a greeting, giving horse riders and walkers time to react before overtaking wide and slow.

- Be aware of soil erosion – if it’s single track, stick to it.

- Please only ride on paths designated for bikes, and take your rubbish home.


- Be aware of birds, especially around nesting and breeding times, and look out for bird nesting restrictions, don’t climb where there are signs telling you not to.

- Treat the crags with care and avoid stepping on or grabbing plants growing on the rock when climbing.

- Stick to the trail on your approach to climbing areas.

- Take your rubbish home with you.

Walkers and runners

- Always try to tick to the path and that goes for your dog too please- as it's hard to know what ecosystem or habitat you may disturb if you venture off it.  

- If you're walking with dogs in open countryside, please keep them on a lead, especially during lambing and ground nesting bird season. 

- Take your rubbish home with you.

It's for everyone

The outdoors is for all and inclusivity is so important. There are many groups like Walk4Health, Cycling4All, Peaks of Colour Good Gym and Peak Queer Adventures for those who want to explore with others, and it’s then on all of us to make sure these groups are part of our Outdoor City.

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Festival of the Outdoors

Kicking off the outdoor season with a bang! Each March, Festival of the Outdoors offers a full month of events and activities celebrating Sheffield's great outdoors and communities. With a really wide variety of events there's something for everyone!

Want to do more?

We are surrounded by incredible organisations who can give you lots more information, host regular volunteer sessions (if that’s your thing), or who would dearly appreciate any fundraising you’d like to do on their behalf. Just search online for any of them and you’ll find plenty of info.

Plus there are loads of nature groups, Friends of groups, forums and local branches… head to https://www.wildsheffield.com/wildlife/wildlife-conservation/local-groups/ for a full run down.

You can also get involved by doing your own nature spotting and collecting wildlife records. This helps the Ecology Unit in Sheffield City Council assist in local conservation, larger organisations like the RSPB to compile ‘Citizen Science’ projects such as the Big Garden Birdwatch

Volunteer your help

See how Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust offer the chance to volunteer at Blacka Moor (just one of the sites they do this) on a weekly basis.

Do the simple things

Since the pandemic, a report produced by Sheffield Hallam has shown that Sheffield-ers are higher than UK and European averages when it comes to intentions to spend more time outdoors. However, it is fair to assume that responses to this survey were by those likely to want to respond – our biggest challenge is being inclusive and finding ways that every single person can have access to green and blue spaces.

The other issue that comes with this is land management – erosion, litter, intruding on animal habitats… the more humans there are, the more disruption it brings and the less biodiverse places will be. That’s not to say we shouldn’t use it, just that we should all do some simple things to respect it and help in our own ways.

Take the lead

Dogs need the outdoors as much of us, but their instincts take over. Please ensure you are aware where they should be on a lead to minimise disruption to livestock, ground nesting birds, and other natural habitats. And please pick up the mess – aside from the fact it can damage sensitive habitats and soil, would you want young kids falling in dog poo?

No more fires (or fireworks)

During certain stages of the pandemic our greenspaces have seen record numbers of visitors, and in summer weather this can lead to people taking disposable barbecues into spaces which they shouldn’t. Fire decimated sensitive parts of our city and the Peak District during this time, which means biodiversity is destroyed (as well as people receiving prison sentences for their actions). It’s just as important that fireworks aren’t used in moorlands and wilder areas too.

A group of four people, sat in Meersbrook Park, enjoying a sunny day. One is sat in a folding chair and the other three are sat on the grass.

Trash free trails

If you can carry it there, you can carry it back. It not only looks awful to see litter, but in natural spaces it’s especially damaging to wildlife and soil.

Be nice say hi

Everybody should feel they are able to enjoy and use outdoor spaces. Help do your bit by making everyone feel welcome.

Use your garden

If you’re lucky enough to have one, consider how planting certain flora, letting things grow, and reducing the use of pesticides and chemicals will really help biodiversity. You can also just let it go a bit wild – insects and subsequently birds will love it! It might only be a tiny spot of land, but if everyone did the same it would create a huge patchwork of more biodiverse land.

Girl looking at tag of item on plant stall

Think about walking, cycling or taking public transport

It’s better for you, for the environment – and means you can more freely enjoy some of our incredibly fine local beers in any of the great pubs around! It won’t always be possible, of course, but where it is then it’s a great step to take.
