All Event Listings

So much happens in Sheffield every week! This is our comprehensive event listing page for every single event that gets submitted to our website, from small workshops and community events to international sporting fixtures and citywide festivals.

So if you're looking for something specific, please use the filter tags and date search below, to narrow the event listings for what you'd really like to see/find. Alternatively, visit our What's On page for seasonal highlights and roundups of the bigger events happening in Sheffield. 

All Events in Sheffield

Speaking Words

Have you ever spoken words in front of a bunch of people or wanted to? Now is your chance at Sheffield's newest Open Mic poetry/storytelling event hosted by Aiden Pyne.

13 Jun 2024 19.00 - 23.00

An evening with Roger Robinson and friends

Come along for a memorable evening with T.S. Eliot Prize winning poet Roger Robinson who takes us through his collective works in an exploration of home, belonging and the journeys that shape us.

20 Jun 2024 19.30 - 22:00