All Event Listings

So much happens in Sheffield every week! This is our comprehensive event listing page for every single event that gets submitted to our website, from small workshops and community events to international sporting fixtures and citywide festivals.

So if you're looking for something specific, please use the filter tags and date search below, to narrow the event listings for what you'd really like to see/find. Alternatively, visit our What's On page for seasonal highlights and roundups of the bigger events happening in Sheffield. 

All Events in Sheffield

Bluebell woodland walk at Woolley Wood

Want to learn about trees and wild plants in a beautiful location? Come and loin this exploration one of Britain's finest bluebell woods.

11 May 2024 15.00 - 16.30

Whirlow Brook Park - Plant Swap/Sale - In aid of Orchard and Wild Play Area

Swap your spare house or garden plants. Go home with fresh, different beauties. No plants to swap, no problem, just choose and buy.

11 May 2024 10:00 - 12:00

Whirlowbrook Park - Plant Swap/Sale - In aid of Wild Play Area

Swap your spare plants or buy some. Flowers, herbs, veg, house plants & Bents Green Nursery. Tool sharpening. In aid of kids wild play area

11 May 2024 10:00 - 12:00

City of Rivers (Weston Park Museum)

Sheffield is a city born from its rivers, sculpting the landscape and powering the industries that made it prosper. This exhibition brings together stories, objects, artwork, film and photography to chronicle the city's relationship with its waterways.

24 Nov 2023 - 03 Nov 2024