Walkley Festival - Super Sunday

30 Jun 2024

‘Super Sunday’ (on 30th June) is a great opportunity to get out and about to explore Walkley. There’ll be a multitude of things to see and do throughout the day, across the whole of Walkley!  Including Open Gardens, with events on some of the Green Spaces, plus a Yard Sale Trail.  It’s also the start of the Walkley Art Show in St Mary’s Community Hall and some of the local artists will holding Open Studios.

It’s a chance to ‘have a nosey’ around some of the lovely gardens in Walkley, find inspiration and chat to the enthusiastic gardeners.  There will also be events on some of the Community Green Spaces  and a chance to meet the dedicated volunteers who look after them.  Millennium Green will be holding a Table Top Sale, along with a Bouncy Castle and Refreshments.

As the saying goes, ‘one person’s trash is another person’s treasure’.  There will undoubtedly be treasures to be found and bargains to had on the ever popular Yard Sale Trail.

Don't forget the Walkley Pub Crawl!  Visit ALL 7 of the participating venues during the Festival and collect a stamp for a chance to win PRIZES.   Pick up and drop off the ‘Crawl Card’ from any of the pubs taking part (they can be found in the Festival Programme on the Welcome to Walkley Website) from Fri 28th June -  Sun 7th July.

